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15 Healthy (and Happy) Things To Do At Home This Week

Writer's picture: Caroline HealyCaroline Healy

Make the best of the mess. We’ve been at this now for just a few weeks, and for some, staying socially isolated is easier than it is for others. But what we can all probably agree on, is that thanks to our inherent creativity along with advanced technology, there are a LOT of things we can do to stay busy, happy, and healthy while at home. I’ve made a list of some things to consider trying this week while spending time with y-o-u. Details below!

15 healthy & happy things to do this week while self-isolating:

1.) Try out a new recipe

2.) Read a book you’ve been meaning to read (or re-read an old fave)

3.) Break out the water colors and paint... just because!

4.) FaceTime someone you love that you haven’t talked to in a while, or have virtual game night with your friends (Houseparty is a great app for this)

5.) Practice meditation or deep breathing for 10-15 minutes in the morning before you start your day. This will help to get yourself centered, relaxed, and focused for the work day. (Insight Timer is my go-to and offers plenty of free guided meditations, talks, and workshops)

6.) Do a free online workout or yoga class (here is a good resource for free/discounted services happening right now)

7.) Do some cleaning and home decorating/ reorganizing

8.) Flex your green thumb and do some gardening 🌼 (Here is some good info on what to plant this month/this season!)

9.) Go on a walk without your phone

10.) Support a small business by ordering online, ordering take out/delivery from a local restaurant, or purchasing gift cards (Uber Eats is waving all delivery fees during Covid-19)

11.) Binge a Netflix show... or 5. (I see you Tiger King)

12.) Pick up an instrument if you have one at home collecting dust-- it’s never too late!

13.) Catch up on zzzz’s. (This will also help boost your immune system)

14.) Take a break from the news and be present with yourself or those you are self-isolating with.

15.) At the end of each day, try to write down 2-3 things you are grateful for, or 2-3 good things that happened that day. You will start to pay closer attention to the small, good things.

Have a safe, healthy, & happy week <3

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